Dan Simons

Dan Simons

Dan grew up in New Franken, WI, and has been married to Laurel since 1984. He was raised in a mainline denomination and was a confirmation teacher, though he admits that he had no personal relationship with Christ and even avoided reading the Bible in catechism classes. Then one of Laurel’s fourth grade students gave her a book to read (Left Behind by LaHaye and Jenkins) and, after procrastinating for months, she finally read it and received the Gospel message. After several months of witnessing his wife’s peace and joy, Dan too read the book (in one sitting) and accepted Christ by the time he set the book down.

Dan and Laurel have two daughters, Leslie and Erin. They have attended GBCC since 2001 and have been active in premarital classes, Expressway as small group leaders, and as tutors through the Student Impact Communities. Dan’s capacity to empathize has grown because of his own battle with cancer, and he enjoys meeting and praying with people who are hurting. When he isn’t at work or church, he loves to be outdoors fly-fishing, kayaking, bow hunting and hiking.

In heaven, he says he’ll look forward to meeting the apostles, and here on earth, he’d like to develop his skills in carpentry and communication. He’d also like to become a strong enough kayaker to take on the falls on Pike River near his cabin.