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God dwells in you

by Mike Vandermause on February 08, 2021

When you surrender your life to Christ, when you've invited him into your life, something starts to change in you. That's because Christ is dwelling in you, we read over and over in scripture.

Here are key points from Pastor Troy Murphy's message on Sunday, Feb. 7 in the sermon series "God Is With Me:"

*Scripture repeatedly tells us that Jesus Christ is in those who have put their faith in Him. (2 Corinthians 13.5; Galatians 2.20; Colossians 1.27; Romans 8.10, 18).

*Salvation not about doing things for God. You do things out of love because of him, not for him. Stop playing religion by trying to do things for God to earn his favor.

*You may feel distant from God but He has never left you.

*God is in the business of transformation. God transforms a life into a garden once you give him the keys to your graveyard.

*Jesus gives us ultimate hope. You are never alone in your sadness, hurt, pain, loss or loneliness. God is with you.

*Life with God means first treasuring him above all else. We are inspired to treasure him when he is revealed to us in Christ Jesus.

*Don't forget the joy of your salvation. How did God call you by name? (Isaiah 43.1)

*Many religions are about a distant God. But Christianity says we can have a very personal connection with the Father.

*There are a number of ways God has called you, including:

-AWE, an experience of fear, amazement and the Holiness of God.

-NEED, an experience of lostness or helplessness.
We are not in control; there are no guarantees about tomorrow. God wants our dependence to be on Him, not ourselves.

-CREATION, an overwhelming sense of God's fingerprints in all the universe.
Psalm 19 says the heavens declare the glory of God.

-MEANING, a compelling curiosity to find the truth of God and the reason for life.

*The Creator of the universe knows your name, and calls you personally.