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John 3:16 gives insight into God

by Mike Vandermause on September 20, 2018

John 3:16 sums up the nature and character of who God is perhaps better than any other verse in the Bible.

Pastor Troy Murphy examined the popular verse during his message on Sunday. Here are some key points from that verse, examined phrase by phrase:

For God

The creator of the universe, the Almighty, our Father.

To put this verse in context, Jesus has been talking to Nicodemus, a high level Pharisee (John 3: 1-4) who was an expert on all of the Old Testament laws. God provided the law to set his people apart as holy. But the law also is an indicator that no one is perfect, and that we are in need of a sacrifice to atone for the times we fall short of the law (sin). Jesus was that perfect sacrifice.

so loved

Active, unconditional, supernatural, ongoing, selfless love.

Agape is the kind of love God expresses because it’s not dependent on anything we can do. It is unconditional. We can’t manufacture agape love without Christ in our lives.

the world

The rebellious, sinful, evil, broken world, you and me.

Romans 3:23 says all have sinned. Everyone in the world is broken. Martin Luther said the recognition of sin is the beginning of salvation. While some sins have greater impact than others, the source of all sin is the same — an evil heart. All sin stems from idolatry, which is worshipping someone or something else other than God. Every other world religion sets itself up so that you have to order your life in a certain way to connect with God.

that he gave

Not lend or give with attached strings to the gift — fully.

Agape love has no conditions or strings attached. It calls for forgiveness no matter what. God loved us while we were still sinners. We didn’t have to clean ourselves up in order for God to love us. Religion will attach strings, telling us to behave a certain way in order to connect with God.

his only Son

Only one, not out of excess.

God gave it all for us. He didn’t hold back.

that whoever

Anyone no matter how evil, rebellious and broken.

When Jesus says “whoever” it means his love is intended for the worst of sinners.

believes in him

To believe, be persuaded of, to place confidence in, to trust, full reliance upon, not mere credence.

The Greek word for belief is to respond. We are made right with God by putting our trust in Jesus Christ (Galatians 2.16). Belief goes beyond mere religious acknowledgment. Belief is a relational trust.

should not perish

Eternal separation from God.

The nature of God wants none of his children to perish. In the story of the Prodigal son, The father doesn’t shame his son but warmly embraces him when he returns home.

but have eternal life.

Full eternal relationship with God.

In Jesus we find lasting freedom and peace.