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What is your purpose?

by Mike Vandermause on September 23, 2019

God made you for a purpose, guest speaker Micah McElveen said during his message on Sunday, Sept. 22, at Community Church as part of the current “You Are Now Here” sermon series.

God wired you to live for and serve a higher purpose. Why are you here and what is your purpose? Here are some key points from Micah’s message about engaging with that purpose:

*You face competing agendas when it comes to serving your God-given purpose. The most prominent is that people often want to live for themselves and their interests and desires rather than God’s.

*The definition of success is selling out to God’s plan for your life. Are you willing to focus your life energy on that for which God put you on earth? Life is like a vapor. Will you waste or invest it?

*One resource in which you can engage your purpose is time, which is extremely valuable because it’s limited and you can’t generate more than 24 hours in a day. John 9:4 says you should use your time to engage in God's purposes.

*You should not get bogged down in the practice of paralysis by analysis. In other words, don’t over-complicate God’s purpose for your life. You don’t have to wait for a lightning bolt out of the sky. Often the will of God is right in front of you and it’s clear what you must do based on scripture: pray, study God’s word, be part of a church family, care for the poor, share the gospel.

*When it comes to doing God’s will, spend less time questioning God’s calls and more time running heaven’s plays.

*Everyone has been given talent by God. How are you using it? Psalm 139:13 says heaven’s design courses through your veins. You are God’s masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10), meaning God is building a work in you. The creator of the universe knit you and created you. He does not make mistakes. God’s design comes with intent.

*You are called to engage your treasure, or earthly possessions, for God’s purposes (1 Timothy 6: 17, 18-19). Money is a gift from God that is not designed to separate you from him. The evil one loves to take that gift and turn it into a wedge between you and God. Your security should rest in God, not your savings account or ability to earn.

*Generosity saves lives. There is someone on the receiving end of your gifts.

*Generosity has a great ROI — return on investment. There’s a 100% guarantee. It doesn’t mean God will make you rich if you  are generous. That’s not the point. But God will reward you in one way or another when you release your resources for His purposes (Proverbs 19:17).

*God has a good plan for your life. He has made you on purpose for a purpose. The one life you have, He desires that you invest it and engage with your purpose.