Mitch Stimpson

Mitch Stimpson

Spouse’s name: Melanie 

Year married: 2006

Children’s names and ages: Shayna 41, Ben 40, Jake 40, Andy 35

Occupation: Retired (structural designer, Wisconsin Public Service)

Hometown: Green Bay 

What year did you begin attending GBCC? 1981

When did you accept Christ? Briefly describe the circumstances: In early 1977 while attending a Catholic charismatic prayer group, after being introduced to a personal relationship with Christ about four years before through a friend. 

What energizes you about serving as a Shepherd Elder? I’ve always enjoyed serving when opportunity comes my way and this is a great opportunity to serve GBCC on a deeper or more involved level. Also to grow myself deeper in my faith. 

Free-time activities: Bible studying, photography, woodworking, painting or anything creative (sell at a couple art shows each year). Hiking, kayaking, snowshoeing, camping, traveling. Volunteer doing maintenance work at House of Hope (before Covid). Involved as ally in Circles. Spending time with grandkids.