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Letting in more of His light

by Marilyn Bazett-Jones on February 13, 2018

"God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all." (1 John 1:5)

I let that light permeate my mind a few moments…

Light helps me see things I wouldn’t otherwise see. It keeps me from stumbling in the darkness. Light reveals the truth. It highlights beauty and exposes flaws. Light shows the way, inspires potential.

Light is a photographer’s most powerful tool. Consider the glorious moments of sunrise and sunset: what an adventure it is to be poised to get a piece of that spectacular sky! An artist seeks to capture the elusive beauty of light – a light that brings ambiance, releases emotion and makes colors come alive. From a box of paints the artist painstakingly coaxes the colors to life to replicate a sunlit forest path, the dewdrop on a rose or a glistening pond. Oh, the treasure and pleasure of light!

But the light of Jesus Christ transcends all other light, radiating out to all who seek it. It is exceedingly more beautiful and powerful than any other light source we know. It brings life. It warms, adorns and enchants every living thing.

From the gentlest glow to a burst of tremendous intensity, He speaks into our lives. His light casts a serene simplicity on the most perplexing matters. It diffuses doubt and articulates direction. It is vibrant and undeniable when it finally penetrates the walls we hide within. The next step is well illuminated -- we know what needs to be done.

Just as an artist's eye discerns the best colors to blend, a child of God recognizes the need to draw nearer still, to be infused with His light. Sometimes it is a scrupulous process, as we are not often given a "high beam" when we ask for light. Most often, walking with Jesus and abiding in Him provides just enough light to take the next step.

Lord, you have come into the world as light, that we may have fellowship with you and with one another. Let your marvelous light seep into every area of my life. Saturate me with your light and your life.