Day 15: Formed for God's family

Posted by Mike Vandermause on

By Mike Vandermause

It will be 44 years in May that I became part of God’s family.

I grew up believing I had to earn God’s favor by doing good works and engaging in religious acts of piety. But as an eighth grader, in the spring of 1972, I learned for the first time that the only way to inherit eternal life was by putting my faith in Jesus.

It was as if I had been standing in a dark room and someone flipped on the light. The pressure was no longer on me to perform for God. Instead, I discovered that relying on Jesus’ brilliant performance 2,000 years ago when he willingly died on the cross and rose from the dead was all I needed.

I didn’t fully grasp it back then, but in that moment all those years ago when I found Christ, I became a child of the creator of the universe.

It would be like an orphan getting adopted by the richest person on the planet, except my situation was infinitely better because God says being part of his family will last forever. 

Something pretty great happens as a new member of God’s family, and Rick Warren spells it out in Day 15: “You were given some astounding birthday gifts: the family name, the family likeness, family privileges, family intimate access, and the family inheritance!"

No achievement in this life, no job title, and no worldly success can come close to matching the honor and privilege I received back in 1972. 

I am rich beyond my wildest dreams, but it has nothing to do with my bank account. 

When I allow this to sink in, it has the potential to change everything: how I think, speak, interact with others and prioritize my activities. It should change the way I live.

Why settle for less when God offers so much more? As a member of God’s family, I need to live in the light of eternity. 

Mike Vandermause is communications director at Green Bay Community Church