Day 2: You are not an accident

Posted by Marilyn Bazett-Jones on

By Marilyn Bazett-Jones

There are no accidents with God. Since He knows all and is in control of all, nothing is a surprise to Him.

First, I’d like to say that going through The Purpose Driven Life in 2002 was extremely beneficial for me. It helped me to better “hear” God and to become a better follower. It was one of the best investments of my time -- ever. The book was my favorite for a long time and I’m glad we are going through the refreshed version together as a church.

So, I believe this is not an accident, or even just incidental, that we are going through this book. I believe God has a divine purpose in it. He is knitting us together as a body of believers, and He definitely has blessings for those who will put the effort in.

Every detail about us was created because God planned it that way. As a mother and grandmother, it is amazing to see the special interests and talents in each of my kids and grandkids, even from a very early age. When my son Zach was little, he was doodling on every piece of scrap paper he could get his hands on; today, he is a graphic artist in Chicago. My daughter Alyssa has always loved to sing. One of my grandkids is gifted athletically, another has a sense of style and loves the arts. Even as toddlers, the others are showing their natural inclinations already: one loves tools and his sister bounces to the beat of music.

We all were created with specific purposes in mind, and no one knows those purposes better than the Creator. He helps us to know, too, because usually these are the things we love to do! For the most part, these things come natural; we are drawn to them and they are God’s gifts to us. Our goal is to develop those gifts and give them back to Him – to use our gifts for God’s glory and others’ good.

We offer them and God does the rest. The way He orchestrates details is no accident. One has a talent that others need. One has an encouraging story another needs to hear. God puts together partnerships, friendships and marriages. He lights the way for singers to find songwriters, for inventors to find solutions, and for leaders and organizers to have meaningful projects to lead and organize. I see these stories all around me every day. It’s amazing!

“You were made for a purpose that only you can fill / There can never be a more beautiful you,” according to singer Johnny Diaz.

If you are not sure what you are here to do, you can pray that God will make that clear. You have gifts the world is waiting to receive. You are not an accident. You are filled with potential. Watch for it, and keep reading What on Earth Am I Here For. I hope your journey becomes as fulfilling as mine.