Day 41: The envy trap

Posted by Kristin Ashley on

By Kristin Ashley

Envy. Jealousy. Resentment. Discontent. These are the dark green monsters that creep into our thoughts slowly and make our thinking toxic. These feelings rob the joy we have toward others, while at the same time robbing us of having gratitude toward the gifts we have.

Through the Transformation of the Heart class I have been truly doing some deep and personal reflection. It hasn’t been easy and has revealed dark spots in my thinking that I was letting myself believe were acceptable. One of my biggest takeaways is that “in Christ, I AM ENOUGH!” Even writing it and reading it, the words sting because I am trying so hard to let those thoughts sink into the fiber of WHO I truly am, and believe me to be.

In reflection of this, I am reminded of fond memories of Sunday dinners at my grandma’s house. Our whole family would gather and enjoy a delicious meal my grandma would create. She loved to cook and share tasty meals and especially celebrated sweet desserts. When she would ask to fill your glass or plate, she would gently have us tell her when there was enough to eat or drink. She always added a “little more.”

She always showed her care for us and in sharing the meal she wanted there to be an abundance. This reminds me of our Heavenly Father and Creator now. I know that God made each one of us unique. He intimately designs each one of us in a magnificent way. When He creates each one of us He is generous with a “little more.”

Now, the amazing and beautiful gift is that God knows exactly what “more” I needed, and what different gifts of “more” you needed.

In the reading today, Rick Warren reminds us that we each “have a unique thumbprint, eyeprint, voiceprint, footprint, and heartbeat.” He went on to remind us that the Bible tells us “we are God’s masterpiece.” He truly pours into us what we need to be individuals. He knows our needs, our wants, our future.

It has been humbling to think that there have been times I compared myself to others, which meant I doubted His holy hand and wisdom in creating me. There have been times I have been selfish, when I didn’t allow myself gratitude with what I have been given by God. There have been times I desired the talents, the gifts, the things that others have had, which meant I robbed myself of true contentment that comes from God.

Today I am reminded that “in Christ, I am enough!” And knowing what I see in nature, and the people around me, God even gave me a “little more.”