Day 42: Why?

Posted by Troy Murphy on

Have you ever finished something and then realized you had just begun? I feel this way about my life and spiritual journey in understanding God. Just as soon as I believe I find the answer to one why about life, three more surface in the process. I have been asking this question all of my life. I have been on a lifelong pursuit of answering the “why?”

Why defined means “for what reason or purpose.” We begin to ask “why” as soon as we can speak it. We all long for a purpose, a reason for living. We are not satisfied with a world that is random. We long for a reason that is bigger than ourselves.

Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” You can watch the life of a person and see the drive to understand, to know, to have a direction. It is when a person quits the pursuit of answering the why when they begin to die. We can quickly lose ourselves in the misery of purposelessness. No reason for living means despair, no hope, no answer.

This is how my faith in a God of purpose propels me daily to seek him. I have found there is nothing else in life that has or can bring me the answers to my “why.” I found that answer in July of 1971, on my knees in my bedroom with my mother and brother. I found the reason I could live for. I found Jesus.

William Barclay summarizes my discovery very well: “There are two great days in a person's life - the day we are born and the day we discover why.”

That day I started my “why” journey and began to get answers, reasons for living, serving, working, loving, playing….the list goes on.

You have completed a Rick Warren book study of 42 days of reading. My hope is that it has not only started to answer the “why” in your life but also propelled you daily to seek Him.

Start with why.