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Empty net moments

by Green Bay Community Church on March 03, 2021

A lot of things we do in life to seek fulfillment come back empty. During Pastor Troy Murphy's message on Sunday, Feb. 28, in the sermon series "God Is With Me," he talked about empty net moments.

Here are some key points:

*Solomon was the wisest and richest man on earth, and in Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 he writes about experiencing it all and doing it all. Yet his conclusion was that everything the world has to offer doesn't provide fulfillment. He concludes that everything in this world is meaningless.

*You cannot fill an internal longing with an external source. Only God can fulfill the desires of your soul.

*Jesus took his disciples to Caesarea Philippi, a very hedonistic, sinful place, in order to illustrate that the light of God is best seen in the darkest places.
*Truth is never measured by everyone else. Each of us must answer for ourselves who Jesus is. Who do you say Jesus is?

*We do not find God without Him revealing Himself to us.

*In Luke 5: 4-6 we read the story of Peter fishing all night and not catching a thing. Then Jesus came along and told him where to cast his net. A skeptical and frustrated Peter did what Jesus said and landed a huge catch.

When God asks you to put out the nets, they are filled. God is bringing you a catch that is different from what the world offers.