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Hospitality points others to Christ

by Mike Vandermause on December 11, 2019

Hospitality means extending God’s love to a world of strangers. Pastor Troy Murphy examined Romans 12 in his series on “Generospitality” on December 8 at Community Church. Here are highlights from his message:

*Generospitality means the practice of radical abundant giving of food, finance and friendship to people you don’t know.

*We make excuses for not practicing hospitality: we have no time; we’re introverts; we are low on emotional energy; we need our private time. But the fact is, God in his abundance will give you what you need to love others.

*Being hospitable isn’t always easy and it can be draining and tiring and you might be taken advantage of. But the great strategy and essence of the gospel is that we should love people when they are unlovable and when it’s difficult.

*Hospitality comes from a heart that is overwhelmed with a sense that you don’t deserve the love God offers. That humble attitude changes your heart and helps you see the world and others in a different light.

*It’s one thing to call yourself a Christian and check the religious boxes. It’s another to sacrificially put your faith into action. You can’t just perform generospitality — it must come from a genuine heart change.

*God created all people. God loves all people. God operates out of abundance and not scarcity. God is the Generous Host.

*The first 11 chapters of Romans are about God’s grace. In light of God’s great mercy, Romans 12 begins by saying we should offer our bodies as a sacrifice. Because we are so overwhelmed with gratitude, we should fully give ourselves away — our schedule, time, resources, emotional energy…everything.

*Do not conform to the pattern of this world and have an empty, useless faith. But rather, your faith should permeate your mind, heart, hands and feet. Put your faith into action.

*While we were yet sinners, God reached out to us in love. We in turn should extend that grace and love to people that aren’t like us. You should be devoted not just to people you know or like or agree with, but love people beyond their morality.

*Honor others above yourself. Make people feel important and special because they are indeed special in God’s eyes.

*Display joy and patience in the midst of hardship, which gives others a picture of who Christ is and makes a big impact.

*Love others not because you want credit. You may never see the fruit of your hospitality. It’s about giving God the glory and giving yourself away.

*When you live with the mindset that everything you have is God’s, it will allow you to sacrificially extend yourself. That will change people, communities, families and ultimately the world.

*Stop waiting for church ministries and programs to change the world. The way you love others will have a more powerful impact. Church is a place where Christ followers can get equipped to go out and practice extending God’s love to the world.

*Paul says in Romans 8:13 to practice hospitality. It takes effort, planning and sacrifice. We should be more aware of the people we come in contact with every day.

*When you embrace God’s grace, the Holy Spirit will prompt you to extend His love to others.