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Sermon overview: The Holy Spirit’s transforming power

by on October 27, 2016


Guest speaker John Lalgee is originally from England and is currently based in Kenosha as leader of One Church Ministries, which serves local churches. He will speak on the transforming power of the Holy Spirit during services at 8:15 and 10 a.m. on Sunday, Oct. 30.

Bible passage

1 Corinthians 1: 26-31

Key points

*John will give his testimony. He will talk about  how he came to salvation and God’s growing power in his life. John said: “I’m somebody who came from a background that was resistant and negative toward the concept of any type of dynamic with God. I hope my story will help people be encouraged in their faith to reach for God for more miracles and a greater dynamic in their life."

*The Holy Spirit is willing and wanting to engage in our lives. An authentic New Testament Christianity is an empowered Christian life.

*There’s something about hearing God’s word that causes people to go from a place of passivity to a place of desire to serve him.

Discussion questions

*When have you felt the Holy Spirit moving in your life?

*What prevents you from tapping into the Holy Spirit’s power?

*What are some ways you can experience a greater spiritual dynamic in your life?

*What would it take to go from a place of passivity to a place of desiring to serve God more?