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Which king do you serve?

by Mike Vandermause on September 02, 2020

As Christ followers we live in one kingdom (this world) but are serving another kingdom (God’s eternal kingdom). In other words, we live within two kingdoms: one we live in and the other we live for.

In examining Acts 24-26 on Sunday, Aug. 30, Pastor Troy Murphy asked this question: Which king are you serving? In his message Troy offered five ways we can serve the heavenly kingdom while living in the world:

Make known who you worship and serve
Our call is not to fight earthly battles but to make known who we love and serve and then model it. Don’t posture yourself as right and the world as wrong. Choose who you will serve (Joshua 24.15) and then do it in love.

Keep your conscience clear with God and man
How you are operating in this world with other people? If God were standing next to you, would you be confident in how you are treating others? Paul said to strive to be at peace with all people (Romans 12.17-18). In order to live at peace you must sometimes die to self. You have to be willing to sacrifice and give up your little kingdom.

Faithfully share about faith in Jesus
It’s Jesus that changes lives, not us. So we must point to him and share about the real king. No matter who is president, Jesus is still king. No matter what the economy does, Jesus is still king. No matter what unrest we see in the world, Jesus is still king. Paul remained committed to proclaiming Christ.

Be responsible for your response
You are not responsible for someone else’s response, or for false accusations made against you. Even in the midst of false accusations Paul was willing to accept responsibility for anything he did wrong. In humility be willing to accept responsibility for anything for which you are guilty. Note that Jesus, who was completely innocent, never tried to defend himself. He was serving a bigger kingdom.

Live a life above reproach
Even as Paul was being held unjustly, he kept his eyes focused above. As a result he kept getting more opportunities to proclaim the good news to more people. God may allow you to go through trials in order that you will bring glory to his name. Remember to be the good news in the midst of a worldly kingdom filled with bad news.