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Who Is Holy Spirit?

by Mike Vandermause on February 17, 2020

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Pastor Troy Murphy asked that question on Sunday, Feb. 16 in introducing a new sermon series: “Reunion: The power, purpose and person of Holy Spirit.”

Here are key points from Troy’s message:

*The Holy Spirit is an advocate, helper, comforter (John 14:16-17). There’s something unique about communing together with the Spirit of God. He’s in us and around us.

*The Trinity does not mean there are three Gods. It’s 1 God, 3 persons. Some say the Father plans, the Son executes and the Spirit applies.

*You cannot have two-thirds of God. Many Christians are familiar with God the Father and Jesus the Son. But the Holy Spirit is coequal and coeternal (Matthew 28: 18-20; 1 Cor 6:19; 1 John 4:13; Titus 3:6; Ezekiel 36.26).

*God wants your heart to change. You have the Holy Spirit inside you. Plug into what is already there. Many surrendered Christ followers are trying to do better for God, instead of accessing the Holy Spirit’s power that is already available.

*When have you felt God’s presence? Don’t miss the moments when his presence is real. Where do you feel God’s presence most?

*The Holy Spirit is the fulfillment of a promise from God. You are getting a gift (Ephesians 1:13-14).

*Ephesians 5:18 says Christ followers are to be filled with the Spirit. When you are plugged into the Holy Spirit’s power you will tap into strength that goes beyond mere human ability.

*The Holy Spirit enters your life when you trust Christ (Ephesians 1:13-14).

*What is the Holy Spirit’s purpose?

-To be your helper in the purification process (1 Cor 6.11). The Spirit convicts and reveals and exhorts and shapes your life.

-To teach and remind you of truth (John 14. 25-27).

-To transform you (2 Cor 3:17-18).

-To intercede for you (Romans 8:26).