Day 5: Extending your spiritual family

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Our opportunity

In the Green Bay area, moms with young kids face the challenge of finding a place where they can gather for support, to share stories, and make the much needed adult connection while their kids play together without having to pay a fee.

Our direction

Philippians 2:12 -- Paul describes a community where every person considers the needs of others first and does nothing from selfishness; it pulls together rather than pulls apart, and it is a body that knows its purpose and lets nothing interfere with it. It is an extended spiritual family where others line up to become part of this sacred assembly and to make it their home because they feel encouragement and know they are truly loved. (The Voice)

Our value

We value our children at Community. We know that it is important for parents to have a place to share the joys and struggles of raising children. We also value relationships. We can draw our strength from sharing moments of honesty with each other. Life is busy and full of ups and downs, and we desire that our campus would be a place that parents could come to provide a safe and fun place for their children to play while they connect and share life with other parents or mentors.

Our prayer

Lord, we thank you for the gift of children. We thank you that you uniquely create each one of us. We pray that you equip the parents in this community to share Your love with their children. We also pray that they will find friends to share the blessings and struggles. Please give our parents strength to endure the moments of struggle each day. Please help us to guide our children to You, and reveal your peace and patience to each of us in the journey.