Day 6: Striving for deeper faith and connection

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Our opportunity

Currently we have 76 families in weekly participation of the Wednesday Night Connect program. Those 76 families represent 103 kids in either childcare or consistent small group time.

Our direction

Proverbs 22:6 — Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

Our value

Wednesday Night Connect is designed for Community Church families with children age 4 through 4th grade. Kids are placed in small groups to encourage a deeper faith and connection with each other. Parents remain onsite to serve or take a class designed to empower them as the primary spiritual developer of their children.

Our prayer

God, please bless the families, both children and adults, that attend Wednesday Night Connect classes. Please establish close relational bonds between teachers and children. We pray that the children would deepen their faith, and allow the adults to learn to become better parents and spouses through the classes being offered. May your Holy Spirit touch the hearts and lives of Wednesday Night Connect participants, and draw them closer to You.