Cheryl Ferraro

Cheryl Ferraro


Family: Married to Patrick for 24 years. Children - Josh 22, Christen 21, Zach 18.

Occupation:  Math Teacher, Providence Academy

Hometown:  Columbus, Ohio

What year did you begin attending GBCC? 1991

When did you accept Christ?  Briefly describe the circumstances: I was raised in the church and from my earliest memories always believed in Jesus. My life was not fully surrendered to Christ, however, because I did not really understand what that meant.  It was not until graduating from college and moving to Green Bay that I first heard about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In the spring of 1990, I was attending church when the pastor talked about the importance of having our hearts right with God before taking communion and if we were walking in sin, we would bring judgment on ourselves. God was convicting me and I confessed and repented of my sin.  Afterward I met with the pastor to find out how I could have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and asked him if I could marry my current boyfriend (Pat).  As the pastor spoke, God opened my eyes to see my need for Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.  He also explained that unless Pat and I were equally yoked as believers, that we should not get married.  I remember leaving the pastor’s office in tears.  I went home and knelt by my bed and invited Jesus to take control of my life.  I also surrendered my relationship with Pat to Him.

What energizes you about serving as an elder? I am energized by helping people understand the love that Jesus Christ has for them and walking in the truth of who we are in Christ. God blessed me with many spiritual mentors at Green Bay Community Church over the last 25 years that helped me to mature and grow in my walk with Christ, and I am blessed to give back to others. I am also excited about how God is using GBCC in our community and want to follow where He is leading. It is exciting to think that God allows us to be a part of His work to make a difference for His Kingdom and His glory.

Free-time activities Scrapbooking, reading, Bible study, sipping a peppermint mocha coffee, traveling, spending time with friends and family.