Laurel Simons

Laurel Simons

Spouse’s name: Dan

Year married: 1984

Children’s names: Lesley 31, Erin 29

Occupation: Retired teacher of 35 years

Hometown: Green Bay

What year did you begin attending GBCC? 2002

When did you accept Christ? Briefly describe the circumstances: God reached me through a student asking me to read the “Left Behind” book that her older sister recommended. In a small little popup camper in Sylvania Wilderness I realized that I didn’t have a relationship with Jesus. I asked Jesus to be in my heart and over the years have grown more deeply in love with Him.

What energizes you about serving as a shepherd elder? Now that I’m retired, I have more margin and much more energy to pursue relationships with others.

Free-time activities: Dan and I share a lot of interests. Currently, I am learning to become a better archer and teacher of archery with him. Planning for and participating in running Centershot Women’s League/Alpha and Sunday’s League has been a ton of fun! Other activities include spending time with our lab, Remi, working out, reading and knitting.