Patrick Stiller

Patrick Stiller

Facilities Lead & Worship Leader

Patrick views his role as taking good care of what God has provided by stewarding the GBCC facility.

Patrick joined the staff in 2022 and besides his facilities role leads the Sunday morning worship team on a part-time basis. "I view worship as creating space to really connect with God and to know his heart for us and others," he said.

Patrick gave his life to Christ at the age of 10 and said his grandfather, Jerry, played a big part in his spiritual journey.

Patrick graduated from Southwest High School and earned a bachelor's degree in communications at UW-Stevens Point.

He calls his involvement with Campus Crusade in college "a huge part of my transformation" and got his start leading worship there.

After college Patrick worked at Rawhide Boys Ranch for a season, then traveled with Adventures in Missions out of Georgia, where he went to 11 countries in 11 months.

Patrick met his wife, Andrea, while in Georgia. They have three children: Ara, Seth and Joshua.

Patrick enjoys running, bow hunting and building things with his hands, with a special skill for making furniture out of reclaimed wood.

One of his bucket list items is going elk hunting when his kids are older. He would one day like to do missions work with his family.

When asked to share a life lesson, Patrick said: "I think the most significant one is receiving God's grace, receiving God's forgiveness, seeing myself the way he sees me. Knowing I'm his son and he's proud, not striving but knowing who I am in God.

"You know that if God is for you, who can be against you? There's real freedom in that. It allows me to move past my shortcomings and continue to grow."